The Wednesday Women's Group will continue to meet once a month on Zoom.
Our meeting date for March will be Wednesday, March 20th.
We will meet from 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM on ZOOM.
If you plan to join our March meeting, please read Psalms #1 through #10. Write down any insights you gain and any parts that you question, then join our discussion!
Our meeting date for April will be Wednesday, April 17th.
Our group provides a safe and supportive space for faith and fellowship and is open to all women in the church. Please join us!
Contact Judy Rickards, Rona Shirdan, Beatrice Bradford or Linda MacAlister for more information.
Here is the Zoom link:
Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 870 1324 9084
Passcode: 309112
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