Book Group Meeting: The House in the Cerulean Sea by T. J. Klune
Book Group will return in 2025!
Our first selection in the new year will be The House in the Cerulean Sea by T. J. Klune. You may want to put it on your holiday wish list!
We will discuss it on Sunday, January 26th at 6:45 PM on Zoom.
Here is the Zoom link:
*If you would like to lead a book discussion next year, please send Rona an email to be added to the schedule. Many thanks to those who have agreed to lead so far.
Christmas Eve Worship
Join us for our Christmas Eve worship service!
At 7pm, our family-oriented service will begin, including an impromptu particpatory Christmas pageant for everyone, communion, and candles for Silent Night. We hope to see you there!
NOTE: there will be no 11pm service this year!
Christmas Luncheon
Join us for the Christmas Luncheon on December 15 after the worship service.
Please bring a dish to share:
Last names beginning with A-M: bring a pasta dish and bread
Last names beginning with N-Z: bring a salad and a dessert
Our group provides a safe and supportive space for faith and fellowship and is open to all women in the church. Please join us!
If you plan to join our March meeting, please read Psalms #1 through #10. Write down any insights you gain and any parts that you question, then join our discussion!
Advent Devotional
The Advent Season is upon us! And with that, it is time for our Advent Devotional that will lead us through the season.
This year's devotional was created by Unbound*, a ministry of our denomination, the PCUSA. It's entitled, "Boundless: An Anti-Colonial Advent Devotional". There are prayers for each day, as well as longer devotionals at the beginning and midpoint of each week. The contributors to this collection are wonderful writers, pastors, and scholars. I encourage you to read, pray, and think on their words during this season.
Repurpose Shop BIG SALE
Repurpose Shop
Sunday, October 20, 2024
11:00am – 2:00pm
(All Clothes $1.00 & under)
Note: Cash Only. All sales are final!
All proceeds from the shop benefit mission projects in our local, national, and international communities.
Annual Community Day
Free Flu Shots
COVID-19 Vaccines (Insurance & Appt Required – Provided by Pepper Pharmacy)
Information & Resource Tables
Repurpose Shop (Clothes $1 and under)
We will be hosting our annual Community Day event! Come shop local artisans and vendors, enjoy fantastic food, learn more about community organizations and more!
Repurpose Shop Open
The Repurpose Shop will be hosting limited house over the summer. Please visist us on the following Saturdays:
Saturday, June 22nd 10am – 3pm
Saturday, July 20th 10am – 3pm
Saturday, August 17th 10am – 3pm
Note: Cash Only. All sales are final!
All precedes from the shop benefits mission projects in our local, national and international communities.
Work Day
Come help as we work on some projects around the church property! We will be working on some cleaning and repair projects and could use everyone’s help.
Repurpose Shop Open
The Repurpose Shop will be hosting limited house over the summer. Please visist us on the following Saturdays:
Saturday, June 22nd 10am – 3pm
Saturday, July 20th 10am – 3pm
Saturday, August 17th 10am – 3pm
Note: Cash Only. All sales are final!
All precedes from the shop benefits mission projects in our local, national and international communities.
Book Group Meeting: My Murder by Katie Williams
Sunday, May 19th at 6:45 PM on Zoom.
Our book selection is My Murder by Katie Williams.
We look forward to seeing returning members as well as some new faces. Everyone is welcome!
Here is the Zoom link:
Book Group Meeting: Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
Sunday, April 28th at 6:45 PM on ZOOM.
Our book selection is Yellowface by R. F. Kuang.
We look forward to seeing returning members as well as some new faces. Everyone is welcome!
Here is the Zoom link:
Palm Sunday Brunch
Join us after Palm Sunday worship as we share our favorite dishes! Sign up to bring a dish here:
Our group provides a safe and supportive space for faith and fellowship and is open to all women in the church. Please join us!
If you plan to join our March meeting, please read Psalms #1 through #10. Write down any insights you gain and any parts that you question, then join our discussion!
Session Meeting
Our next session meeting will take place on March 19th at the church. All are welcome to attend meetings. You can find a link to minutes from previous meetings in the weekly Chimes.
Repurpose Shop Closed
The shop will be closed March 11th - May 4th. This will give us time to regroup, find and clean available storage space and make long range plans for the shop. We are looking for volunteers to help with this process. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to the Mission Committee.
Easter Flower Ordering
Good Christians All, Rejoice, and Sing! Hymn #111, written by Melchior Vulpius, in 1609
Good Christians All, Rejoice, and Sing! Now is the triumph of our King! To all the world glad news we bring: Alleluia! Alleluia!
The Lord of Life is risen today! Bring flowers of song, bedeck the way!...
Thank you for helping us 'bedeck' the Chancel in our church to help increase the abundance of GLORY and PRAISE we offer to our Risen Lord and Savior!
Please find order forms in the Narthex, or from the following Music and Worship Committee member: Sheryl Taylor Bailey, Lois Traband, Ryda Awana, or Patti Varrella.
THEN, RETURN your completely filled out order form with a check made out to FPC Lansdowne, or cash... to any of the above M&W Comm. members... OR put your order form and payment enclosed in the envelope, INTO the OFFERING PLATE!
HELP US BY RETURNING YOUR ORDER FORM BY FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024. This is Friday before Palm Sunday.
Remember, you will be expected to take your flowers home after the Easter service, March 31!